Ayurvedic Massage in Vishrantwadi.png
Maurya Day Spa Pune

Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage is known as abhyanga.

The word ‘abhyanga‘ is composed of two Sanskrit words, abhi, and anga. Abhi means ‘towards’ and anga, in one of its meanings, refers to ‘movement’.

Abhyanga is a synchronized massaging of the body towards the direction of the movement of arterial blood. In practical terms, it means massaging the body in the direction of the body hair. The scientific reason for this may be due to the increase in blood flow towards the most distal parts of the body. If the massage is done towards the heart, or in the direction opposite to that of the body hair, the massage may overwhelm the heart through the increased venous return.

Abhyanga not only prepares the body for panchakarma, but also helps to mobilize the dosha or morbidity from the periphery toward the core in order to get them eliminated through the body orifices. Vata dosha is particularly pacified by abhyanga. Pitta and Kapha can be pacified with a massage using different massage mediums like ghee and herbal powders respectively.

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