French Aroma Massage in Vishrantwadi
Maurya Day Spa Pune

French Aroma Massage

Aromatherapy is a specific type of therapy that incorporates the use of scented essential oils into a massage. The massage involves alternating between gentle and harder pressure while using a specific blend of essential oils. The essential oils are diluted before use and are applied along with lotion during the massage.

Not only is the client's body benefiting with the direct contact with the essential oils, but the oils are alleged to have specific healing properties upon inhaling after exposure. Sometimes, therapists even go as far as having clients inhale the oils through a diffuser and not only through mild exposure.

Aroma therapeutic massage not only has the client leaving with a full body massage, but they also allegedly provide emotional healing and relaxation. The benefits are on a long list that also include a few of the same benefits of any other massage

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